The Centre for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (CIDACS) was created to link socioeconomic and health data in an effort to investigate social determinants of health in Brazil. Our data governance practices conform with safe data linkage principles and guidelines to support data acquisition, management and use for public health research applications.

In addition to the responsibility of promoting and guaranteeing the security of data in line with legal, ethical and privacy requirements, we also recognise the importance of adopting an updated data governance model that incorporates societal components to enhance and retain public trust in our data practices and foster collaboration.

Our work presents our current procedures, efforts, and challenges as a case study, followed by a literature review that outlines selected concepts and characteristics considered relevant to support our objectives.

Although the context, findings, discussion and next steps presented are highly specific to CIDACS’ situation in Brazil, many aspects are also generalisable to other contexts.

First author Bethânia Almeida commented that, “This article is the result of much reflection and applied efforts to update our linked data governance, in order to be more dialogic and inclusive in relation to our data stakeholders, with particular focus on specific groups covered by our linked data”.


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Bethânia de Araújo Almeida, Researcher, Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (Cidacs/Fiocruz Bahia), Salvador, Brazil

Almeida, B. de A., Carreiro, R., Souza, M. and Barreto, M. (2024) “CIDACS’ efforts towards an inclusive and dialogic data governance in Brazil: a focused literature review”, International Journal of Population Data Science, 9(1). doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v9i1.2163.