Local authority variation in special educational needs provision at the start of primary school: observational study of preterm children born in England, 2003-2013

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Kate Lewis
Vincent Nguyen
Bianca De Stavola
Lorraine Dearden


Objective and Approach
We explored variation in special educational needs (SEN) provision between local authorities (LAs) in England by focussing on children born preterm (24-<37 weeks gestation). We used linked individual-level state-funded hospital and school records from the ECHILD database, alongside publicly available school-level records. LA of child’s residential address (n=150) and recording of SEN provision (split into SEN support and education, health and care plans, EHCPs) were captured at the January school census in year one, when pupils were five/six years old. We fitted multi-level logistic regression models to the child-level records that included a-priori selected child- and LA-level characteristics.

Our population included 226,419 children (45.4% female ; 10.6%  with a congenital anomaly) born between 2003-2013 and attending a state-funded primary school. Across LAs, the median prevalence of SEN support and EHCPs recorded in year one was 18.4% (interquartile range 16.4%-20.4%) and 4.2% (3.5%-4.8%),  respectively. In the SEN support vs. no SEN provision model, there was very low correlation among children from the same LA (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)=0.006 )). There was higher correlation in the EHCP vs. no SEN provision model (ICC=0.032).  Of the LA-level characteristics, the percentage of children eligible for free school meals had the greatest impact on the ICC values (reduction of 26.7% in the EHCP model).

Less than 1% of the variation in SEN support and approximately 3% of the variation in EHCPs was explained at the LA level. We will extend these models to consider variation at the school level.

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How to Cite
Lewis, K., Nguyen, V., De Stavola, B. and Dearden, L. (2024) “Local authority variation in special educational needs provision at the start of primary school: observational study of preterm children born in England, 2003-2013”, International Journal of Population Data Science, 9(5). doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2546.

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